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Quality model Aircraft Kits, Foam Wings + Bespoke Polystyrene Products

Summer 2024

Kits and Wings

Quality Model Aircraft Kits and Foam Wings.

The company came into being in 1990 basically by accident! It all came about when myself (Bill Manley) and another member of the Royston model aircraft club spotted an article in a model magazine about some American flyers doing R/C combat in the States.

 We just had to have a go but needed a suitable aircraft for the job, something quick to build and relatively cheap. Before long we had knocked up a pair of glorified control line combat machines without the strings! They flew superbly from day one, .15 motors, 3ft wide and 2lbs all up weight, great fun. 

Within a very short time there were about a dozen of us flying combat and formation at Royston with the model now known as the Fun Fly 15.In due course I sent some pictures and information about our activities to RC Model World magazine as a news item and low and behold they offered to buy the design and market it through their plans service.After thinking it over I decided that with a bit of effort I could probably produce the whole kit myself, so I took the bull by the horns and I was in business.

Seven other designs were produced over the next few years and we regularly attended the larger model shows up and down the country until other more lucrative work commitments forced us to go mail order only. Obviously foam wings were required for several of the new kits and after some instruction from a couple of “old hands” I was producing these in house.

Unlimited Vertical Performance

Just a quick note to say thank you for an excellent kit that builds and flys fantastically. FYI, unlimited vertical performance for over 5 minutes using a Ripmax quantum 20 on 3s 1600… Read more “Unlimited Vertical Performance”

Such a professional job

Just want to say thanks for the wings. They look fantastic. Such a professional job. I can’t wait to get them finished and in the air. (I love the packaging method by the way, makes perfect sense when you think about… Read more “Such a professional job”

Very Nice Job

I received my wings today, very nice job. Many thanks for your assistance and… Read more “Very Nice Job”


Received my Acrowat style wings today, along with the other items to complete. All arrived okay as it was well packaged. The Balsa for the ailerons etc are really of excellent quality, and the covering of the wings. Superb! My thanks to you also for your good wishes plus the extra wood for thj wing… Read more “Superb”


Hi Bill Received my Acrostar style wings today, along with the other items to complete. All arrived okay as it was well packaged. The Balsa for the ailerons etc, is really of excellent quality, and the covering of the wings. Superb! My thanks to you also for your good wishes plus the extra wood for… Read more “Superb!”

Top Quality

Received the Uno wing today, Looks top quality. No damage in transit, thanks for all your help. I’m sure that I will be in touch for more wings knowing what my landings are like flying in the gales from the North Sea . Regards… Read more “Top Quality”

Very Pleased

Received today and very pleased, Regards,… Read more “Very Pleased”


Many thanks for supplying the foam wings as requested, I received the package last week but have been away for a few days so couldn’t contact you earlier. Your wing service is superb and the quality excellent, I look forward to building the model and will certainly recommend you to all my friends and club… Read more “Superb”

The Delta Has Flown

Just wanted to let you know the Delta has flown.I built it as a tail dragger in the end. I think it will cope better with our rough patch. I maidened it on Sunday. I fitted it with a Thunder Tiger GP25 I had knocking around. It flew very well. I needed to increase the… Read more “The Delta Has Flown”

Looking very very good

Never before have I known a Sunday delivery from anyone but the postman has just knocked at the door with the wings. Whether they’d forgotten to deliver it during the week I don’t know but at least they’re here now – and looking very, very good. Next year I intend to double the size of… Read more “Looking very very good”

Excellent quality

Hi Bill. Wings/tail received safely.Excellent quality.Will not hesitate to recommend you. Regards… Read more “Excellent quality”


Hi Bill Parcel now received and I am very impressed with the quality of your work. Also the fact you have done the recesses for servos and cut out the ailerons will speed up the build. Brilliant 🤩 As this model will go together quickly it should be ready for next spring and I’m sure… Read more “Impressed”


Hi Bill. Thanks for the wings they are Perfect. All the best,… Read more “Perfect”

They are Perfect

Hello Bill, Hope you are well. We have received the wings and they are perfect. Quality of work is very good indeed. Could I request you to send me the final invoice so that I can update my accounts, please? Thank you. Best regards,… Read more “They are Perfect”


Hi Bill, The wing panels arrived today and they are perfect! Thank you so much for your help and excellent service – I’ll definitely be calling on your services for future projects. Best regards… Read more “Perfect!”

Really Good

Hi Bill, My wings have been successfully delivered today. They look really good. Thank you for your quick service Regards… Read more “Really Good”

Absolutely Superb

Wings arrived today, absolutely superb, and so light!! Really looking forward to getting started with them. I look forward to the next time I use your services, I really wasn’t expecting them for another 2 weeks. Really appreciate your work and fast turnaround Many thanks… Read more “Absolutely Superb”

A great suprise

HI Bill. the new wings arrived on Friday afternoon, a great surprise. I am very happy with them, thank you very much for a great product and prompt delivery, Mike… Read more “A great suprise”


Hi Bill…only just got around to unpacking wings for loaded dice today…First impressions are one of Perfection! Thank you! Amazing… Read more “Perfection!”

Beautiful job!!

Hi Bill. The wings arrived on saturday but i didnt get them unwrapped till sunday evening!! Beautiful job!! Will be a shame to cut them for ailerons and flaps!!! I should get started on this a lot quicker then i did with the chilli wind. Will send you details when complete. Many thanks… Read more “Beautiful job!!”

Looks great

Deck arrived this morning. Looks great. We be in touch.… Read more “Looks great”


When the plan arrives, i’ll ask you to do the wings and tail, if you would; (the others youve done are excellent! )… Read more “Excellent!”

Looks great thanks!

Hey Bill!I’m sorry I forgot to get back to you. The cores look great thanks. I think the wing tips are too thin so I’ll adjust that next time. Thanks a lot for your great service.… Read more “Looks great thanks!”

Looking very very good!

Good news! Never before have I known a Sunday delivery from anyone but the postman has just knocked at the door with the wings. Whether they’d forgotten to deliver it during the week I don’t know but at least they’re here now – and looking very, very good. Next year I intend to double the… Read more “Looking very very good!”


Hi, have had a number of wing sets for Buckle Super 60 in the past, and the two part (2 x 30ins) for a no dihedral wing have been near perfect. As I want to increase the span what is the limit on length for each half? I was hoping to increase the span to… Read more “Perfect!”

Just what the doctor ordered!

Dear Bill Just a note to let you know that my new wing arrived safely an hour or so ago – just what the doctor ordered! Many thanks and Happy Christmas… Read more “Just what the doctor ordered!”

Well done

Hi, Wings arrived safely…. and well done…. this will keep me busy! VMT… Read more “Well done”

Thank you

Dear Bill. Hi again, it’s not much of an excuse but I’ve lost your address, please can you resend it to me and I’ll send the extra payment. Bob has let me know how pleased he is with the wings and tails, and says thank you. Once again sorry for the delay but as usual… Read more “Thank you”

Service is Superb!

Hi Bill, Many thanks for supplying the foam wings as requested, I received the package last week but have been away for a few days so couldn’t contact you earlier. Your wing service is superb and the quality excellent, I look forward to building the model and will certainly recommend you to all my friends… Read more “Service is Superb!”

Nice job

Hello Bill, Belated thanks for the Albemarle wings, delivered safely the other week. Nice… Read more “Nice job”

Very good job

Many thanks for Dakota wing panels, received today, very good job. I’ve been off work with a cold so haven’t checked the Albemarle wing yet. I’ll let you know ASAP. Regards, Frank… Read more “Very good job”

High Quality

Hi Bill I have finished the X-pert with your wing and have enclosed a couple of pictures. The wing was of very high quality. Many Thanks… Read more “High Quality”

Very Pleased

Hi Bill, The cores arrived today undamaged and very soundly packed. I am very pleased with them, they are exactly what I wished for and are beautifully made .I shall spread the word in our club about your service though ,sadly, most of these ARTF people wouldn’t know where to start. So a big thank… Read more “Very Pleased”

Top quality

Received the Uno wing today, Looks top quality. No damage in transit, thanks for all your help. I’m sure that I will be in touch for more wings knowing what my landings are like flying in the gales from the North Sea. Regards… Read more “Top quality”


Hi Bill Received my Acrostar style wings today, along with the other items to complete. All arrived okay as it was well packaged. The Balsa for the ailerons etc, is really of excellent quality, and the covering of the wings. Superb! My thanks to you also for your good wishes plus the extra wood for… Read more “Superb!”

Handling is excellent

Hi Bill, Just wanted to let you know the Delta has flown. I built it as a tail dragger in the end. I think it will cope better with our rough patch. I maidened it on Sunday. I fitted it with a Thunder Tiger GP25 I had knocking around. It flew very well. I needed… Read more “Handling is excellent”

Absolutely amazing build quality

Hi Bill, just wanted to say thank you, wings turned up yesterday. I was not expecting what I have Absolutely amazing build quality, just shown my local RC shop, he is remarkably impressed.! Once again, thank you very… Read more “Absolutely amazing build quality”

First rate service

First rate service and friendly to deal with. Cut to my requirements with all washout and servo cutouts done. Cost £75.00 delivered. And that from ordering on Monday AM, delivery Thursday PM The wings are very good quality as well. BigFun: Capable of some startling manouevres. As the name says, it’s loads of fun to… Read more “First rate service”

There you are, a potted history of Billkits.  Each kit comes complete with full accessories and hardware, pre-cut balsa and ply parts, full size plan and instructions.We now offer a vacuum forming and foam wing cutting service. We pride ourselves on service, value for money and quality and feel you will be delighted with your purchase. Please use the contact me page, telephone, fax or email for a full quotation and delivery details. * Discounts available on multiple orders *

Please enjoy the website. It’s packed with fun photographs and information. We now offer custom polystyrene products as well as foam kits. All the information you need is here online or available by the Contact page.

The site has many photos of the kits, and we hope you will upload your own photos of the kits in use. We certainly enjoy looking through them.

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