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Quality model Aircraft Kits, Foam Wings + Bespoke Polystyrene Products

BillKits 2025

Kits and Wings

January 2025: After producing my small range of kits for well over thirty years, I have decided that due to the amount and labour involved, and the cost of materials, to cease production of all but the Fun Fly 15. Read More…

Quality Model Aircraft Kits and Foam Wings.

The company came into being in 1990 basically by accident! It all came about when myself (Bill Manley) and another member of the Royston model aircraft club spotted an article in a model magazine about some American flyers doing R/C combat in the States.

 We just had to have a go but needed a suitable aircraft for the job, something quick to build and relatively cheap. Before long we had knocked up a pair of glorified control line combat machines without the strings! They flew superbly from day one, .15 motors, 3ft wide and 2lbs all up weight, great fun. 

Within a very short time there were about a dozen of us flying combat and formation at Royston with the model now known as the Fun Fly 15.In due course I sent some pictures and information about our activities to RC Model World magazine as a news item and low and behold they offered to buy the design and market it through their plans service.After thinking it over I decided that with a bit of effort I could probably produce the whole kit myself, so I took the bull by the horns and I was in business.

Seven other designs were produced over the next few years and we regularly attended the larger model shows up and down the country until other more lucrative work commitments forced us to go mail order only. Obviously foam wings were required for several of the new kits and after some instruction from a couple of “old hands” I was producing these in house.

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There you are, a potted history of Billkits.  Each kit comes complete with full accessories and hardware, pre-cut balsa and ply parts, full size plan and instructions.We now offer a vacuum forming and foam wing cutting service. We pride ourselves on service, value for money and quality and feel you will be delighted with your purchase. Please use the contact me page, telephone, fax or email for a full quotation and delivery details. * Discounts available on multiple orders *

Please enjoy the website. It’s packed with fun photographs and information. We now offer custom polystyrene products as well as foam kits. All the information you need is here online or available by the Contact page.

The site has many photos of the kits, and we hope you will upload your own photos of the kits in use. We certainly enjoy looking through them.

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