Foam Wings
Thanks for looking at our website. You will see that we have a small range of kits as well as a foam wing cutting service. Let’s start with foam wings.
Our “normal” wing of around 60 inch span, such as “Gangster” or “Acro-wot” type is made from medium density white foam and covered in grade “A” obechi veneer. Please see our Kits and Wings page for current prices.
NOTE: All wings are supplied with fibreglass joining tape.

To make a wing we require a plan view of the panel and a drawing of the root and tip rib sections, also a note of any washout, dihedral, etc. Please see our booking page, which you can either e-mail back for a quotation or print out and send by postman pat! If we have the necessary information in stock as we do for most common designs, then all we need is your order. Payment can be made by credit card or cheque, made payable to Bill Manley greatfully accepted.
As you know some wings are much more complex than others and require holes for servos, wires, spars etc. They may be made from white or blue foam, we can also supply any wood required for the leading or trailing edges, undercarriage blocks, linkages for the ailerons, etc, in fact everything for the wing. Please call or e-mail your specific requirements and we will give you a quotation.
As previously stated our wings are veneered using grade “A” obechi veneer, which is .7 – .5 mm thick. We stock this material in sheets of 2.5 x 1.5 metres, so we can cover any wing without joining bits and pieces of veneer.
If you are into sea planes we can supply floats for them.